Holly Strelzik is my guest this week.

Holly Strelzik is on a mission to rebrand grief. Her personal experiences including childhood trauma, a near-fatal aneurysm, and her husband’s diagnosis with Alzheimer’s Disease prompted Holly to reexamine grief first as a hospice volunteer and then in the form of a career shift. Her second act began when she was certified as an end-of-life doula, eventually leading to her certification as an Advanced Grief Recovery Method Specialist.™ During the many years Holly spent serving individuals and families facing a wide range of experiences related to grief and loss, she realized the deep need for widespread end-of-life literacy and care. It was out of that need that Center For The Heart, a nonprofit organization committed to delivering such services was born.

To Learn More About Holly and the Center For The Heart:
[email protected]
Facebook – / centerfortheheart
Instagram – / centerfortheheartnj / @centerfortheheartnj
LinkedIn Personal – / holly-strelzik-c4th
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