A Special Opportunity For You

IS 2024 going to be your year? I’m totally convinced you will be inspired to keep moving forward with the variety of gifts my friends and I have put together for you! Not only will you get my guide, The 7 Phases to Navigating Life's Transitions, But you’ll also get:...

The Memories Come Marching In

Have you ever felt sad, on the verge of tears, cranky, angry, or just out of sorts for no apparent reason? You are not alone. If you're navigating grief whether it's the first, tenth, or twentieth year, when your life goes sideways, look at your calendar. It could be...

Life Is Now

Recently, I've been hearing a lot of people saying they aren't grieving because nobody died. While that may be true, as Oprah says, "what I know for sure" is that change causes loss and loss causes grief. One need not experience the death of a close person or pet to...

Every Day Can Be Valentine’s Day

When you're dealing with a loss or grief holidays are often tough so from me to you, Happy Self-Love and Self-Care Day! One of the best ways to care for yourself when you're grieving is to be extra kind and give yourself some grace. Treat yourself the way you would...

Exciting News to Share With You

I’m so excited today, I can hardly sit still! In just the first three days of this week so much has happened. I’m grateful and thrilled beyond belief and can hardly wait to share it with you, my friend. On Sunday, in Roanoke, Virginia, my dream of learning Reiki...

We’re Midway through Winter Hooray!

Were you one of the nearly 100 people who signed up for my free offer through the Inspired Living Giveaway? Thank you if you were! I want to let you know that while the offer has ended, if you signed up you may download the free offers until February 10th! I'm still...

Feeling the January Funk

Brrrr! Are you feeling the chill,  Amy ? Are you snowed in? In the past week, we have seen temperatures in the teens up to the 50's! It has rained, snowed, and been sunny. I have to admit that Mothe nature has me a little more than a little confused! What I do know...

Welcome 2024

Happy New Year to you! May 2024 bring you an abundance of goodness in every area of your life - health, spirituality, finances, relationships, work, balance, and peace in our world. I finally picked my word for 2024!!! Have you? My word is BLOOM. You might be thinking...

Happy Holidays & Welcome 2024!

Winter is just about upon us – and that means that very soon the days will slowly start to lengthen and we will have more light in our lives. While I enjoy snuggling by the fire with Hershey I miss the time on my back porch enjoying the animals and nature. I learned a...

Illuminating December

Hi Amy! December is a complex month. We are at the start of a new month and at the same time the end of the year. Some holidays have passed (Thanksgiving and Diwali) and some are coming up (Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year). All these holidays remind those...

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