Hello Amy,

I hope March’s roaring entry isn’t causing you too much trouble. I write this as I sit and try to figure out if I need to go food shopping to prepare for the huge storm about which the National Weather Service has been blasting its warnings to my phone. Here in the NY Capital Region, we are expected to receive anywhere between one and two feet of wet, heavy, almost spring snow! Ugh! I’m over it!

It is a not-very-nice welcome home to my ten-day vacation/retreat in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I spent the time with a small group of previously unknown to me women, all over 50 years of age. We explored the city, its galleries, shops, restaurants, and festival of indigenous people, and our own dreams for the next “chapter” in our lives. We were asked to Dream a New Dream.

What I discovered was that this trip, which occurred during a very significant week for me, allowed me to come full circle with part of my life.

I recorded an episode of my podcast about it and I am attaching it here for you to watch. In it, I sat in the peaceful, calming courtyard of our bed and breakfast enjoying the tranquility and hospitality of the innkeepers and staff.

Please watch it and let me know what you think.

Until the next time, I love you and appreciate you,


Amy Lindner-Lesser, MSW, Certified Life Coach

Grief Recovery Method®️ Specialist