Video Memoirs with Judy Seaman

As a video editor and storyteller, I love to help people shape their memories into meaningful video memoirs. While not all of my clients are dealing with memory issues, I find that reminiscing is an incredible tool for those who are. It’s also a path toward understanding one’s trajectory in life, and the important aspects of one’s life. The value of reminiscence increases as we age. The ability to recall and reflect helps older adults with their identity and self-confidence. Sharing memories with others, especially family members, provides a sense that one’s legacy will be preserved. Reminiscing may also protect against depression and loneliness. I’d love to encourage your listeners to carry a notebook and a pen with them wherever they go, and to take some time every day to sit quietly. If they have photographs or family movies, to spend some time looking at them and reflecting. Also, to think about the questions they never asked and wished they had. To ask themselves: what am I curious about? At some point, they will find a theme to explore. That’s where a video memoir creator can help!

Coping With Grief & Valentines Day

The “Hallmark Holiday” is coming up and it can bring up a lot of different emotions. I want to help you. I know that everyone grieves differently so I have some suggestions for you. Watch to learn how to make your own rules!

From Grief To Growth S2E1

Welcome to the 2nd Season of Inntrospection! You might be thinking, “Why the change in podcast theme, Amy?” Grief comes in many forms from many places and so does growth. You’re about to hear from people from all walks of life who want to teach us how they’ve learned to navigate grief. It’s a sensitive, personal topic. I wanted to start this season by telling you my WHY….

Boundaries and JFDI

Hi Amy,

Oh my gosh! It’s August already!

For many of us, August heralds the beginning of the end –– the end of long sunlit days, the heat of the summer, night after night of BBQs, and lots of family and friends’ get-togethers.

It also means the return to school for teachers and students alike.

It reminds me to:

Stay focused on the present moment.

Focus on the joy I get from watching the birds and animals in my backyard.

Appreciate each and every bite of farm fresh produce, the delicious sweet corn and tomatoes, the zucchini, and cucumbers. It is a time to feast on fresh tomatoes with basil from my garden, fresh mozzarella, and balsamic vinegar.

Savor and extend the season in every way for as long as possible.

If this is your first newsletter from me, welcome! Through my involvement in the ELEVATE Virtual Conference and Giveaway, many people joined my the mailing list and received my free gift. (You can get it here too!)

The ELEVATE Virtual Conference is happening this week and my session is on Thursday, August 3. You can still sign up for all of the sessions and it is free! Use this link to register and get access to 21 topics including mine!

Until the next time, I love and appreciate you,

Amy 🩷🩵

Strategies for Living Your Best Life – Mid July 2023

Hello Amy,

You’re here to live your best life, am I right?

I’m with you!

Sometimes just one sacred strategy, empowering tip, or piece of wisdom, has the power to change the trajectory of your life, mindset, health, relationship, abundance, or business.

In that moment, a nugget of truth, or a piece of expert guidance, resonates so deeply that your soul starts singing.

In that instant you know it was just what you needed to break through the blocks, fears, and false beliefs stopping you from living your best life.

That one aha moment has the power to set you on a new and empowered path.

Don’t you love when that happens? Me, too!

What I love even more is being a part of an intentional speaker series created with the intent to deliver actionable content that has the power to inspire, empower, and support you to create and live YOUR definition of an inspired and fulfilling life.

That’s why I am thrilled to be a part of ELEVATE: Season 8 of the Inspired Living Secrets virtual conference, hosted by Mindset Elevation Coach and Intentional Living Guide Linda Joy, publisher of the beloved Aspire Magazine.

And you will LOVE all of the actionable strategies and proven practices shared by all of the experts.

You’ll find topics on personal & spiritual development, manifesting, spirituality, self-empowerment, money fears, divine feminine, human design, creativity, Feng Shui, health and wellness, self-care, inner peace, and more.

I invite you to join us.

Claim your all-access pass today!

By the way, it’s a free series and you’ll have the option to watch the video or listen to the audio version.

And your all-access pass includes thousands of dollars in f.r.e.e. gifts from the speakers.

You’ll be learning from 21 visionary leaders, healers, and bestselling authors, as well as some of today’s up-and-coming movers and shakers.

My latest podcast was released today. It is a conversation I had with Sensei Victoria Whitfield about what My latest podcast was released today calls strategic meditation others call it shamanic journeying (no drugs or alcohol involved with her) and communication with those who are more than alive (those who are living in the next realm).

Sensei is a Japanese word that means ‘teacher’ and that is her role as your guide: to teach you how to feel again, and how to truly love yourself while you’re at work or at home.

Victoria believes that Entrepreneurs need help getting and staying grounded, so they can serve more people and essentially, as she says, “save the freakin world.”

She also believes that Entrepreneurs are naturally sensitized to what they’re here to help others with. And that this natural sensitivity is popularly misunderstood as being “weak, weird, quirky, obsessive or pie-in-the-sky.” And when Entrepreneurs internalize this dysfunctional mindset, their sensitivities become their kryptonite: crippling stressors that overwhelm them, their teams, their communities, their families, and even their bank accounts.

She knows this because she lived this and observed it happen firsthand and she has helped me with this in my former career as an innkeeper and wedding officiant and now as a coach.

This conversation is definitely different from many/most of my chats. Please watch the episode and let me know your thoughts on the subject.

Until the next time, I love and appreciate you,

Amy ❤️🩵

PS: It’s time to say YES to elevating your life.

Claim your all-access pass here.