Hi Amy,

OMG! Thank you! I am blown away by all the beautiful, loving, heartfelt, and touching birthday wishes, phone calls, and cards I have received over the past few days!

Last week, on my Facebook page, I wrote about how my birthday is sandwiched between two difficult LifeQuakes – the anniversaries of the deaths of my husband and of my dearest friend, Liz. These two events cast a shadow around what should be a happy day for me.

This year, in preparation for this week, I took my own advice and went out of my comfort zone. I joined a few Meetup groups, pushed myself to join some networking groups, wrote a chapter for each of two books coming out soon (November and February) and networked with the other authors, and got more involved in my neighborhood HOA.
Amy with her hands crossed over her heart in gratitude

I have made an extra effort to fill my life with friends. Between moving and the isolation brought on by Covid, I found that I really missed the in-person companionship of others. I am very grateful that I have made some amazing friends locally and invited a few to help me celebrate my birthday this year! For the first time in quite a few years, I looked forward to my birthday!

Two days before my actual birthday, I began to receive birthday wishes from friends, colleagues, and acquaintances by phone, email, text, and messages on Facebook, and LinkedIn. There were more than 200 and they’re still trickling in! WOW!

My heart is overflowing with gratitude!

I am filled with love and appreciation for each and every one of you!

I laughed and cried happy tears, and hopefully thanked each of you personally! I am so grateful for every single wish!

This week my podcast guest is Nettie Owens, the founder and CEO of the Sappari Group. She wears many hats such as mother, wife, entrepreneur, coach, friend, sister, and daughter, and she is an expert at helping people grow their businesses without feeling overwhelmed.

But does it all go smoothly without any life-quakes? Of course not. As we discussed, lifequakes like earthquakes have aftershocks and often come in groups.

Nettie’s lifequakes are different from the ones we typically think of such as death or divorce. Hers come from reinventing her business out of necessity, having three children two of whom have emotional and behavioral challenges, moving her family to a new state and getting the kids into new schools within a few weeks during the pandemic and figuring out how to host and facilitate a business retreat during Covid.

Join us as we talk openly and honestly about the transitions in her life: from family to business and everything in between.

Are you, or someone you know going through a lifequake? A life transition on steroids where you’re finding it difficult to be part of your own life, not knowing who you are or what you enjoy anymore? If the quake happened at least 3 months ago and you’ve dealt with any legal and financial tasks, I’d love to help. Schedule a discovery call to see if working with me could be the right step to coming through the lifequake fortified and ready to live a joy-filled life again.

You can also still download my free guide, The 7 Phases of Navigating Life’s Transitions here.


Until the next time, I love and appreciate you,
