Were you one of the nearly 100 people who signed up for my free offer through the Inspired Living Giveaway? Thank you if you were! I want to let you know that while the offer has ended, if you signed up you may download the free offers until February 10th! I’m still downloading mine!!

I have two exciting things happening in the first week of February. The first is the release of the second book I co-authored, The Grief Experience! It will be available for purchase on the 6th of February in Kindle format for $1.99 and in paperback.

The second event is the release of an article I wrote in Aspire Magazine, an online magazine for women. Link to come soon.

Amy, have you ever had the desire to learn something for a long time?

For me it is Reiki. When my late husband, Steve, was very ill two of the massage therapists from The Healing Place (a massage and spa across from our old inn) came to the inn to offer Reiki healing to Steve to alleviate some of his pain and discomfort. Their generosity and compassion found a place in my heart that I have never forgotten. I remember how much better he felt with the energy healing and from then on wanted to learn how I could offer that same gift to others.

It is happening! I am going to Virginia this week to take a Reiki I training class with my friend, Yvette LeFlore. She is an amazing healer and works with crystals, oils, and Reiki. She’s had me as a guest on her podcast and will be on mine at the end of February,

It’s time for another episode of my podcast. BTW, I am now doing a podcast every other week! Is there anything special you would like me to cover? Ideas are always welcome!!

This week’s guest, Kelly Daugherty, is a social worker and fellow in thanatology. She is the lead author of our upcoming book, The Grief Experience. We had a great chat about the book, grief, and what brought her to being a grief therapist. Check it out here!

The Grief Experience Virtual


March 20, 2024

Noon – 4 pm

It’s for anyone and everyone experiencing grief of any type.

I recorded a special program for you on Moving from Surviving to Thriving After a LifeQuake. It is available to watch on your own as one of the conference’s bonuses.

You also get a copy of our special Grief Toolkit.

Use Promo Code AL17 for $10 off your conference registration!

If you’re struggling with the effects of a life transition, know that you’re not alone. Remember that it’s more than okay to take time for self-care and prioritize your emotional well-being.

Don’t feel shy or afraid to seek support from loved ones, join a support group, work with a professional, like me, who specializes in grief. You can schedule a time to chat with me here.

If you or someone you know would like coaching, I have a few spots open. Remember, grief doesn’t only happen when a loved one dies. It can happen with any big life change, even positive ones.

Until the next time, I love and appreciate you,


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Coming February 6, 2024