Happy New Year to you!

May 2024 bring you an abundance of goodness in every area of your life – health, spirituality, finances, relationships, work, balance, and peace in our world.

I finally picked my word for 2024!!! Have you?

My word is BLOOM. You might be thinking it is a strange word to pick to shape your year. I disagree.

Bloom, to me, connotes everything I want to strive for in my year. I want my work life to bloom with more clients, more writing, more workshops. I want my relationships (both with family and friends) to burst into bloom. I hope to find a spiritual home that makes my soul blossom. And I want to become more visible, stop hiding behind what I feel is safe and comfortable.

I know that the Universe (God, Spirit, the Divine, whatever you might call the infinite power or not) agrees with me that 2024 is my time to bloom. What? How, you ask. Here are two pieces of proof I’ve received.


How are you ushering in 2024? Do you have a word, a theme, or resolutions? What about a special activity to start off the year?

Eight women friends and I went on the Frostbite Cruise of Lake George yesterday afternoon. While the boat was an experience I wouldn’t repeat (just the boat company), the cruise was a blast!! We laughed and talked the entire time almost not noticing the crowded conditions or the below average food. We didn’t care! What we all realized was that it was the company we kept that. helped us kick off the New Year in diamond stilletos! LOL!

Today’s podcast release is all about celebrating life’s transitions from celebrations of life (a different way of looking at a funeral) to divorce parties to other, more esoteric celebrations. Join my guest, Empreas Ladan, and me to hear what and how she helps people and their loved ones plan special celebrations for life’s transitions here.


Last week we released the recording of my interview with Linda Joy, the publisher of the book, Life Shifts, which I co-authored, and Aspire magazine. We spoke about “How to Find Peace in the Midst of Life Transitions.” You can watch that interview here.

I encourage you to check out my YouTube channel to view an episode or more. You may also find the audio-only episodes on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

If you’re struggling with the effects of a lifeq transition, know that you’re not alone. Remember that it’s more than okay to take time for self-care and prioritize your emotional well-being especially during the holidays.

Don’t feel shy or afraid to seek support from loved ones, join a support group, work with a professional, like me, who specializes in grief. You can schedule a time to chat with me here.

If you or someone you know would like coaching, I have a few spots open. Remember, grief doesn’t only appear after a death. It can happen with any big life change, even positive ones.

I wish all of us a 2024 filled with peace, love, joy, and an abundance of good.

Until the next time, I love and appreciate you,


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Coming this February!

My chapter – The Alchemy of Grief: Discovering Silver Linings in a Loved One’s Death