Hi Amy!

December is a complex month. We are at the start of a new month and at the same time the end of the year. Some holidays have passed (Thanksgiving and Diwali) and some are coming up (Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year).

All these holidays remind those of us in the Northern Hemisphere that we are entering into a dark time – winter when it is chilly outside and the sun is hidden more often than not. It is a time to cozy up near a fire and enjoy our own company, the company of loved ones, a pet, or a book. It is time to seek out light where we can.

I like to use this month for reflection as well as forward-thinking (I’ve never been a fan of the word planning it seems very restrictive to me). Reflection shines light on what I have accomplished during the year, the goals I’ve met, and those I haven’t. It illuminates the path for next year.

Each year instead of setting resolutions only to be frustrated when I forget or toss them away, I select a word to influence my year. In the past, my words have included soar, limitless, unf*ckwithable (sorry for the semi-profanity), and strength. As of today, and it is subject to change since there are still 26 days left to the year, my word for 2024 will be creativity.

What do you do? Are you a resolutions person, word of the year person, or something different? I’d love to hear.

How was your Thanksgiving?

How did you celebrate?

Did you shake up your traditions?

I had a lovely Thanksgiving, even though it was different from my old ones. I admit I missed my friends and family squirming like crazy as we went around the table with everyone sharing at least one thing they were grateful for. And I missed the “old days'” of raucous laughter as we played Scattegories late into the night.

Change is inevitable and it is necessary for us to be pliable. If we don’t bend, we end up being like a brittle tree and breaking. New traditions are good and I, for one, am glad to be included in them!

This week we uploaded our 25th episode of the new podcast, INNtrospection: Grief to Growth!!

When I say we, I mean my wonderful producer, Richard Wilmore, uploaded them all!!! There are more recorded, edited, and patiently awaiting their turns to be released to the world!

Thank you, Rich and all of my guests for helping me achieve this milestone. The conversations have been stimulating and it has been fun working with all of you!

I encourage you to check out my YouTube channel to view an episode or more. You may also find the audio-only episodes on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Podcast releases:

Thriving Through a Life-Changing Diagnosis

My guest today was Kelly Lutman, a Certified Health Coach and bestselling author who uses Functional Medicine principles to help her clients put their chronic diseases into remission without the use of drugs. It’s all about YOU and reclaiming your life!

⁠From Kelly’s website (pursuewellnessforyou.com):

Kelly has practiced as an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach for 10 years and has incorporated Applied Functional Medicine for the past 6 years. What drew her to Functional Medicine was the focus on seeking out the root cause of a person’s symptoms and challenges. Traditional medicine responds to symptoms with medications that usually shut down the physiology causing the symptom but don’t address the root problem. This can be a bit like seeing the brake warning light come on in your car and cutting the wire to turn off the light rather than checking the brakes. It can make you comfortable now, but there will likely be consequences in the long term.

What cemented her interest in nutrition was seeing its effect on her own family. She is the mother of three sons, homeschooled through high school graduation. Every homeschool family experiences ups and downs from day to day – ask any parent who is with their children 24/7 and add in academic studies – but I had some particular challenges with one of my sons. He was very smart but easily distracted. Staying on task was a significant challenge. By changing his diet, we saw amazing changes in his attention and demeanor.

In this episode, we discuss how simple dietary changes can help someone going through a diagnosis be it cancer, Parkinson’s, ADHD, or another. Nutritional changes can also help the caregiver stay strong and healthy.

Watch and listen here

And. . . Another Episode!


Thrive Through Grief

I didn’t write or send out a newsletter last week – I’ve been busy writing an article for a magazine plus it wasn’t my usual week to write, but Rich did upload an interview I had with Yvette LeFlore of Healing with Yvette. She interviewed me on her Facebook Live and I wanted to share it with you.

Yvette is a co-author, with me, in the Life Shifts book (Amazon International Bestseller) and is a Reiki practitioner and teacher, intuitive energy healer, and more. You can find her on Facebook or check out her website.

Here’s the link to our Live.

If you’re struggling with the effects of a lifequake, know that you’re not alone. Remember that it’s more than okay to take time for self-care and prioritize your emotional well-being.

Seek support from loved ones, join a support group, work with a professional, like me, who specializes in grief. You can schedule a time to chat with me here.

If you or someone you know would like coaching, I have a few spots open. I also have 3 free coaching slots (up to 4 sessions per person) for Dealing with Grief and the Holidays. Please spread the word and schedule a free call to see if this is right for you now.

Until the next time, I love and appreciate you,
