Brrrr! Are you feeling the chill,  Amy ? Are you snowed in?

In the past week, we have seen temperatures in the teens up to the 50’s! It has rained, snowed, and been sunny. I have to admit that Mothe nature has me a little more than a little confused! What I do know for sure is that I’m grateful to have a warm home, delicious hot meals, even if I have to cook them, Hershey to snuggle on the sofa with, and a gas fireplace for both ambiance and warmth. I also know that if spring were to arrive tomorrow, I wouldn’t be too upset. However, I also know that it will be here in just a little over two months and I will manage to wait.

I’m learning to be more patient. That”s a word that keeps popping into my consciousness.

There is one thing I don’t want to be patient about and it is telling you about the 13th Amazing Inspired Living Giveaway. Many of you joined me last spring in the giveaway and this month it is back bigger and better!  Inspired Living Giveaway™: Resources for Mastering the Art of Living is back for its 13th season and is sponsored by the beloved Aspire Magazine.

Don’t you love when a supportive resource or the missing piece of a puzzle shows up at the perfect time to support you in uncovering the next step on your path?

I love when that happens.

Are you ready to kick off 2024 with thousands of dollars of complimentary supportive resources—over 80 of them?

I’m thrilled to be a part of bringing you this sacred collection of high-quality transformational resources to support, empower, and inspire you to live your best life – personally and professionally.

How cool is that?

If you’re ready to open your arms to receive the supportive resources, video courses, mediations, classes and more that are waiting for you, take action today.

Claim your transformational gifts today!

Now through January 29th you can claim 80+ high-value transformational resources.

You’ll discover thousands of dollars in complementary resources from some of today’s leading experts, coaches, creatives, healers, wellness practitioners, visionaries, and new thought leaders, as well as up-and-coming movers and shakers in the fields of:

  • personal development
  • self-growth
  • conscious business
  • spiritual development
  • relationships
  • health & wellness
  • success and mindset
  • and more

Claim your transformational gifts today!

You’ll find video courses, guided meditations, ecourses, gift bundles, and so much more waiting for you!

I invite you to open your heart and arms to receive the abundance of loving support and valuable resources offered in the Inspired Living Giveaway.™

Share this email and invitation with the women in your life! They’ll thank you!

If it’s Tuesday, it’s another episode of my podcast. This week it is just me and I’m talking about SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), my next book release (early February), a request for readers like you to join our book launch team, and a few other tidbits Check it out here!
Click the book to order from Amazon
Join the Launch Team!

As one of 25 co-authors of an upcoming collaborative book titled “The Grief Experience: Tools for Acceptance, Resilience, and Connection,” I am thrilled to invite you to join our book launch team.

Scheduled to be released on February 6, 2024, the book is a collection of personal stories and tools that guide readers through diverse forms of grief. The authors share their personal stories of loss, ranging from the death of loved ones to struggles with infertility, disenfranchised grief, anticipatory grief, ambiguous grief, delayed grief, and more.

I had the privilege of writing Chapter 17, The Alchemy of Grief, which talks about the loss of my best friend of 44 years, Liz, and learning to find silver linings in the experience.

Within each chapter, you will discover a treasure trove of tools and strategies to navigate your own grief experience. These resources encompass mindfulness practices, thought-provoking journaling prompts, self-care techniques, and practical advice for managing the waves of emotions.

Your involvement in the launch team would mean the world to us.

Here’s how you can contribute:

1. Sign up to be part of the launch team. You’ll have the privilege of reading the “Advanced Reader Copy,” a sneak peek of the book in PDF format, before its official release.

2. On publication day, February 6th, 2024, we kindly ask that you purchase the eBook for just $1.99.

3. Finally, sharing your thoughts and insights by leaving a review on Amazon will help us spread the message even further.

Your support in this endeavor would be invaluable, and we truly appreciate your willingness to be a part of our team.

To register and become a member of the launch team, please click this link before January 25th, 2024:

Additionally, you can follow “The Grief Experience” on Facebook and Instagram for updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses.

Thank you for considering joining us on this meaningful journey. Your support means the world to the entire team and me.

Together, we can make a profound impact on those who are navigating the path of grief and loss.

If you’re struggling with the effects of a life transition, know that you’re not alone. Remember that it’s more than okay to take time for self-care and prioritize your emotional well-being.

Don’t feel shy or afraid to seek support from loved ones, join a support group, work with a professional, like me, who specializes in grief. You can schedule a time to chat with me here.

If you or someone you know would like coaching, I have a few spots open. Remember, grief doesn’t only happen when a loved one dies. It can happen with any big life change, even positive ones.

I wish all of us a 2024 filled with peace, love, joy, and an abundance of good.

Until the next time, I love and appreciate you,


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Coming February 6, 2024