When you’re dealing with a loss or grief holidays are often tough so from me to you, Happy Self-Love and Self-Care Day!

One of the best ways to care for yourself when you’re grieving is to be extra kind and give yourself some grace. Treat yourself the way you would treat a friend in a similar situation.

You’ve probably heard me say this before, self-care is not selfish! Throw away that notion! Send it back to the 1950s where it came from and follow the airline attendants’ advice and put on your oxygen mask first before taking care of someone else.

Self-care and showing yourself some love don’t only mean spa or shopping days. They can mean taking a nap in the middle of the day, reading a book for pleasure, or taking a walk in nature (without talking on your phone or multi-tasking). Baths with or without candles, a special cup of tea, or a candle-lit dinner for one are other ways to show yourself some love.

If you want more information you can watch my latest podcast here.

Write me back and let me know what you do for self-care and how you celebrated self-love this February 14th. I really want to hear!

Remember that it’s more than okay to take time for self-care and prioritize your emotional well-being.

Until the next time, I love and appreciate you.

With hugs and healing,


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