I hope the weather and the calendar are synching better for you than for me here in New York State!

I awoke this morning to temperatures in the low 40s, I looked at my watch to confirm the date and it said it was May 17!

Could this be true? Last night I received FEMA warnings for frost for the next two days!

I want it to feel like spring again! One of my favorite things to do is sit on my porch taking in the warmth from the sun and watching the almost constant parade of birds to the feeders and the antics of the groundhogs and bunnies. Hershey loves it too!

I just released a new podcast episode. It is a little different from the others. In this one, I have a conversation with my friend and animal communicator, Marybeth Decker. We had a great discussion about animals’ roles in our lives, handling their final days and deaths, and learning to communicate with them to understand what they are telling us. I was sad to end our chat so we continued after the recording ended! Please watch it here and let me know what you think.

As always, I would love your suggestions for future episodes. Email me!

I’m excited to tell you that I have completed my first chapter in a book to be released this coming fall. The book, Life Shifts, is an anthology of 22 chapters from different women about a transformational shift in their life. We also will each have a free offer to download. In my chapter, Coming Full Circle from Loss to Joy, I talk about my experience in Mexico which led me to navigate through my losses and to a life now filled with joy.

I can’t wait to share it with you!

Until the next time, I love you and appreciate you,


Amy Lindner-Lesser