Hello Amy,,

Wow! We are more than halfway through June. I’m beginning to believe what I heard for years, time moves faster as we age. Why is that? Is it because we see the time ahead of us as shorter than that which we have already lived? I’m curious. What I do know is that whatever time I have left, hopefully still lots of it, I want to revel in the moment and make more experiences to savor.

Since it still is June and June is Pride month, this week’s podcast is an interview with my friend, Susan Rose. Susan went through a major “life quake” a few years ago when her then-husband informed her that he felt he was a woman inside a man’s body. We talked about the emotional roller coaster she went on for the next few years. How Susan felt like a widow, but there was no “real’ death or a body; no funeral or rituals in which to find support.

Susan’s story is not completely unique. Just within my circle of family and friends, I am aware of parents whose children have undergone gender transition, also referred to as gender affirmation, and other spouses. Each person’s experience is unique and yet there are commonalities. My hope is to provide you with some questions to ask that can help on your journey to find support and answers. Often family members are not offered coaching or counseling to assist them to deal with their own emotions and loss. I really enjoyed my talk with Susan and hope you will too.
Amy holding a statue of a woman with gold-filled cracks

We’re not meant to walk this path alone.

I’ve discovered many times in my life that when I say YES to receiving the support that is all around me…Magic unfolds…Life shifts…And life flows with possibility.

The Universe is knocking at your door holding a treasure trove of supportive resources to help you:

awaken your intuition
create a nurturing self-care practice
create a success mindset
tap into peace in the midst of chaos
fuel your business success
embrace self-love
soothe your inner critic
enhance your well-being
break up with sugar
clear your space with Feng Shui
tap into your creativity
Human Design
grow a thriving online business
and much more!

I invite you to open your arms to receive the abundance of supportive and valuable resources offered in Season 12 of the Inspired Living Giveaway: Resources for Mastering the Art of Living™, sponsored by Aspire Magazine.

Yes, I’m ready to receive the abundance of resources waiting for me! (Click here to download your more than 80 free resources including one from yours truly.)

Take inspired action and register today.

Registration closes at 11:59 pm ET on Tuesday, June 30th but don’t worry once you’re registered—-you’ll have access to all the gifts for at least 30 days.

Until the next time, I love you and appreciate you,


Amy Lindner-Lesser