April 2023 – 1

April 2023 – 1

Hello Amy,

I’m a little hesitant to write this, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that spring has finally arrived! At least that’s what Hershey has been telling me as he grabs his leash to drag me outside for a walk a few times a day. Mind you, I’m not complaining. I love the walks and love watching nature as it emerges from its winter sleep. The birds are returning and I’m being visited by bunnies, turkeys, groundhogs, and deer.

Since I last wrote I spent a few days at a strategic planning retreat in Havre de Grace, Maryland. I’ve been attending these retreats twice a year for about five or six years and, while I love the camaraderie and sharing, they have always been challenging for me since planning and structure have never been something I really enjoyed. Until this year! Something clicked and I’m finding myself actually enjoying pulling ideas together, breaking down tasks, and putting the puzzle pieces together to implement!

If you’ve never been to Havre de Grace, Maryland, I would encourage you to visit this small town on the shore of the Susquehanna River. There are cute shops, great restaurants, a few museums (the Duck Decoy Museum even has a great water view and a walking path), and some sweet bed & breakfasts. My favorite is the Spencer Silver Mansion. It is a beautiful example of Victorian architecture with period pieces and amazing Bradbury and Bradbury wallpapered ceilings in the public spaces. Carol is also a great cook and host! If you go, tell her I sent you.

Since my last email, I have uploaded two new podcasts. The first is my interview with Donna Sephton Kendrick who is a certified financial planner specializing in helping women and men who are going through life transitions.

In the second podcast, I talk about loss and the types of experiences and changes which can be considered loss and therefore produce feelings of grief. This came out of a discussion I had with four women who, until this discussion, had not realized that they were experiencing grief.

I hope you’ll click on the underlined links above, listen to the podcasts, and then subscribe. If you have any ideas on topics you’d like to hear about, please reply to this email and let me know!

I’m working on an e-book about loss; its working title is, Navigating the 7 C’s of Loss. It will be downloadable for free soon! Also, I have been invited to write a chapter for each of two books! Stay tuned for information about these in upcoming emails.

Wishing you a Happy Passover and/or Easter!

Until the next time, I love you, appreciate you, and love to hear from you,


Amy Lindner-Lesser

Mid August 2023

Hi Amy,

OMG! Thank you! I am blown away by all the beautiful, loving, heartfelt, and touching birthday wishes, phone calls, and cards I have received over the past few days!

Last week, on my Facebook page, I wrote about how my birthday is sandwiched between two difficult LifeQuakes – the anniversaries of the deaths of my husband and of my dearest friend, Liz. These two events cast a shadow around what should be a happy day for me.

This year, in preparation for this week, I took my own advice and went out of my comfort zone. I joined a few Meetup groups, pushed myself to join some networking groups, wrote a chapter for each of two books coming out soon (November and February) and networked with the other authors, and got more involved in my neighborhood HOA.

I have made an extra effort to fill my life with friends. Between moving and the isolation brought on by Covid, I found that I really missed the in-person companionship of others. I am very grateful that I have made some amazing friends locally and invited a few to help me celebrate my birthday this year! For the first time in quite a few years, I looked forward to my birthday!

Two days before my actual birthday, I began to receive birthday wishes from friends, colleagues, and acquaintances by phone, email, text, and messages on Facebook, and LinkedIn. There were more than 200 and they’re still trickling in! WOW!

My heart is overflowing with gratitude!

I am filled with love and appreciation for each and every one of you!

I laughed and cried happy tears, and hopefully thanked each of you personally! I am so grateful for every single wish!

This week my podcast guest is Nettie Owens, the founder and CEO of the Sappari Group. She wears many hats such as mother, wife, entrepreneur, coach, friend, sister, and daughter, and she is an expert at helping people grow their businesses without feeling overwhelmed.

But does it all go smoothly without any life-quakes? Of course not. As we discussed, lifequakes like earthquakes have aftershocks and often come in groups.

Nettie’s lifequakes are different from the ones we typically think of such as death or divorce. Hers come from reinventing her business out of necessity, having three children two of whom have emotional and behavioral challenges, moving her family to a new state and getting the kids into new schools within a few weeks during the pandemic and figuring out how to host and facilitate a business retreat during Covid.

Join us as we talk openly and honestly about the transitions in her life: from family to business and everything in between.

Are you, or someone you know going through a lifequake? A life transition on steroids where you’re finding it difficult to be part of your own life, not knowing who you are or what you enjoy anymore? If the quake happened at least 3 months ago and you’ve dealt with any legal and financial tasks, I’d love to help. Schedule a discovery call to see if working with me could be the right step to coming through the lifequake fortified and ready to live a joy-filled life again.

You can also still download my free guide, The 7 Phases of Navigating Life’s Transitions here.


Until the next time, I love and appreciate you,



April 2023 – 1

Marching in Like a Lion

Hello Amy,

I hope March’s roaring entry isn’t causing you too much trouble. I write this as I sit and try to figure out if I need to go food shopping to prepare for the huge storm about which the National Weather Service has been blasting its warnings to my phone. Here in the NY Capital Region, we are expected to receive anywhere between one and two feet of wet, heavy, almost spring snow! Ugh! I’m over it!

It is a not-very-nice welcome home to my ten-day vacation/retreat in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I spent the time with a small group of previously unknown to me women, all over 50 years of age. We explored the city, its galleries, shops, restaurants, and festival of indigenous people, and our own dreams for the next “chapter” in our lives. We were asked to Dream a New Dream.

What I discovered was that this trip, which occurred during a very significant week for me, allowed me to come full circle with part of my life.

I recorded an episode of my podcast about it and I am attaching it here for you to watch. In it, I sat in the peaceful, calming courtyard of our bed and breakfast enjoying the tranquility and hospitality of the innkeepers and staff.

Please watch it and let me know what you think.

Until the next time, I love you and appreciate you,


Amy Lindner-Lesser, MSW, Certified Life Coach

Grief Recovery Method®️ Specialist

Strategies for Living Your Best Life – Mid

Strategies for Living Your Best Life – Mid

Hello Amy,

You’re here to live your best life, am I right?

I’m with you!

Sometimes just one sacred strategy, empowering tip, or piece of wisdom, has the power to change the trajectory of your life, mindset, health, relationship, abundance, or business.

In that moment, a nugget of truth, or a piece of expert guidance, resonates so deeply that your soul starts singing.

In that instant you know it was just what you needed to break through the blocks, fears, and false beliefs stopping you from living your best life.

That one aha moment has the power to set you on a new and empowered path.

Don’t you love when that happens? Me, too!

What I love even more is being a part of an intentional speaker series created with the intent to deliver actionable content that has the power to inspire, empower, and support you to create and live YOUR definition of an inspired and fulfilling life.

That’s why I am thrilled to be a part of ELEVATE: Season 8 of the Inspired Living Secrets virtual conference, hosted by Mindset Elevation Coach and Intentional Living Guide Linda Joy, publisher of the beloved Aspire Magazine.

And you will LOVE all of the actionable strategies and proven practices shared by all of the experts.

You’ll find topics on personal & spiritual development, manifesting, spirituality, self-empowerment, money fears, divine feminine, human design, creativity, Feng Shui, health and wellness, self-care, inner peace, and more.

I invite you to join us.

Claim your all-access pass today!

By the way, it’s a free series and you’ll have the option to watch the video or listen to the audio version.

And your all-access pass includes thousands of dollars in f.r.e.e. gifts from the speakers.

You’ll be learning from 21 visionary leaders, healers, and bestselling authors, as well as some of today’s up-and-coming movers and shakers.

My latest podcast was released today. It is a conversation I had with Sensei Victoria Whitfield about what My latest podcast was released today calls strategic meditation others call it shamanic journeying (no drugs or alcohol involved with her) and communication with those who are more than alive (those who are living in the next realm).

Sensei is a Japanese word that means ‘teacher’ and that is her role as your guide: to teach you how to feel again, and how to truly love yourself while you’re at work or at home.

Victoria believes that Entrepreneurs need help getting and staying grounded, so they can serve more people and essentially, as she says, “save the freakin world.”

She also believes that Entrepreneurs are naturally sensitized to what they’re here to help others with. And that this natural sensitivity is popularly misunderstood as being “weak, weird, quirky, obsessive or pie-in-the-sky.” And when Entrepreneurs internalize this dysfunctional mindset, their sensitivities become their kryptonite: crippling stressors that overwhelm them, their teams, their communities, their families, and even their bank accounts.

She knows this because she lived this and observed it happen firsthand and she has helped me with this in my former career as an innkeeper and wedding officiant and now as a coach.

This conversation is definitely different from many/most of my chats. Please watch the episode and let me know your thoughts on the subject.

Until the next time, I love and appreciate you,

Amy ❤️🩵

PS: It’s time to say YES to elevating your life.

Claim your all-access pass here.

Boundaries and JFDI

Boundaries and JFDI

Hi Amy,

Oh my gosh! It’s August already!

For many of us, August heralds the beginning of the end –– the end of long sunlit days, the heat of the summer, night after night of BBQs, and lots of family and friends’ get-togethers.

It also means the return to school for teachers and students alike.

It reminds me to:

Stay focused on the present moment.

Focus on the joy I get from watching the birds and animals in my backyard.

Appreciate each and every bite of farm fresh produce, the delicious sweet corn and tomatoes, the zucchini, and cucumbers. It is a time to feast on fresh tomatoes with basil from my garden, fresh mozzarella, and balsamic vinegar.

Savor and extend the season in every way for as long as possible.

If this is your first newsletter from me, welcome! Through my involvement in the ELEVATE Virtual Conference and Giveaway, many people joined my the mailing list and received my free gift. (You can get it here too!)

The ELEVATE Virtual Conference is happening this week and my session is on Thursday, August 3. You can still sign up for all of the sessions and it is free! Use this link to register and get access to 21 topics including mine!

Until the next time, I love and appreciate you,

Amy 🩷🩵